When a French stockbroker is cleaned out by his ex-wife, he steals his client’s stocks and escapes to a Caribbean island. There he falls for an American woman who later turns out to be one of his victims. He lies to her about his past until two Interpol agents arrive to arrest him. When she finds out that he had robbed her she attempts to leave him but as he avoids the agents he convinces her that if she attends a local ceremony he can avoid arrest. In a Gothic church full of skulls and shrunken heads, she reluctantly attends a ceremony conducted by a drunken priest after which she finds herself married to the stockbroker. Later he explains to the agents that in the Caribbean a wife cannot be forced to give evidence against her husband and the agents leave. He returns the proceeds of his crime to all of his victims, including the American woman, and is left with nothing but her love until she purchases a yacht for them to live on and travel around the Caribbean.

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